#unrealengine5 #realtime #filmmaker #3danimation #cinematic
YT VR360

In 2023 I rendered six seconds of lushness.. I'm hoping to do more in 2025. Please increase the quality setting (via the bottom right settings cog icon) if the video seems fuzzy... it goes up to 8k (!)

:: you can pause the video above and navigate the scene with your mouse ::

I’ve forever been in awe of the power and ease in which dance can clearly articulate universal sentiments and evoke emotion.

Following a DYCP award in 2022, Unreal Engine has become my preferred tool for creation. I’ve also started to work with dance and movement curation and I hope to continue developing this side of my arts practice.

I've been trying to figure out 'what's my mountain?' apparently everyone has one, the thing that they are uniquely placed to improve, make better, enhance, move forward... I know I've barked up a lotta mountains, yelling "you there, mountain... are you mine?" which I'd always hear crickets (...or heckles :P).

Last year I did initial tests for a live stage show adaptation of previous work, I made progress, I made plans, I reflected and evaluated... but I don't feel like that's my mountain (yet?)... and so, a little like Goldilocks looking for her 'just right', I'm gonna shimmy down the road to find that vr360 animated digital dance mountain... wish me luck.

extend your reality
BWS04 :: Unreal Engine Short Film / Cinematic

:: click on the images above to see the films (it'll pop up) ::

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